Den etterlengtede todagers foreldretreningen fant sted i Skopje i Nord-Makedonia, med totalt 12 deltakere. Det var et aktivt arrangement der alle deltakerne deltok i S (Science), T (Technology), E (Engineering), A (Arts) og M (Mathematics) workshops og aktiviteter, delte sine erfaringer, utvekslet ideer og lærte mer om autisme og STEAM-undervisning. Disse metodene vil bli tatt i bruk av ulike foreldre hjemme med barna sine. Tilbakemeldingene og forslagene om opplæringen ble satt stor pris på og tatt godt imot. Dette arrangementet var en milepæl i arbeidet med å nå målet om å inkludere og gjøre STEAM-undervisning tilgjengelig for autistiske barn.
The much-awaited 2 days Parent's Training happened in Skopje, North Macedonia with 12 participants in total. It was an active event with all participants engaging in the S (Science), T (Technology), E (Engineering), A (Arts), and M (Mathematics) workshops and activities, sharing their experiences, exchanging ideas, and learning more about Autism and STEAM education. These methods will be adopted and used by different parents for their children at home. The feedback and suggestions about the training are very much appreciated and well noted. This event was a milestone in the accomplishment of the goal for inclusion and accessibility of STEAM education for Autistic children.
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